About us

We are the nation's top distributor of cutters and cut-safe accessories!

Our home is Garden Grove, CA

Founded in 2006

Founded in the state of California in 2006, Harmony Lab & Safety Supplies began as an expert distributor for scientific, medical, and industrial centers. Harmony is the parent company to AllSwabs.com and SafetyCutters.net, serving thousands of businesses, universities, and government agencies.

SafetyCutters.net - Founded in California
We want to get you the safety cuttter you need

USA Customer Support

You can reach us by phone, email, or live chat. Call our offices to speak to a knowledgeable representative. Our customer support team will always be centered in the United States of America.

Your business can take advantage of additional benefits

Wholesale Perks

Everyone takes advantage of our competitive pricing and bulk discounts. Businesses may apply for our wholesale perks, including a dedicated account executive, net-30 terms, and ad-hoc requests. Don’t hesitate to reach out. We have decades of experience and want to work with you.

safetycutters.net wholesale perks
SafetyCutters.net performed great for my business. I was able to upload our tax exempt certificate, got tax-exempt in a moment and checked out quickly. We received the cutters the same week.
verified review
Verified Buyer
Los Angeles, California

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Francis K.
Eugene, Oregon
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